Table 3.xls (5.5 kB)

Frequencies and indications of surgical complications requiring re-operation following orthotopic liver transplantation (oLT) stratified by operative starting time (nighttime or daytime).

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posted on 2019-07-22, 17:38 authored by Felix Becker, Thekla Voß, Annika Mohr, Anne-Sophie Mehdorn, Katharina Schütte-Nütgen, Stefan Reuter, Iyad Kabar, Eike Bormann, Thorsten Vowinkel, Daniel Palmes, Jens G. Brockmann, Andreas Pascher, Ralf Bahde, Linus Kebschull, Thomas Vogel

Frequencies and indications of surgical complications requiring re-operation following orthotopic liver transplantation (oLT) stratified by operative starting time (nighttime or daytime).
