Table 4.xls (9.5 kB)

Fold change in metabolites immediately post-exercise (ranked by VIP>2.5, with q<0.05) by carbohydrate intake from the sugar beverage (sugar) compared to water.

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posted on 2018-03-22, 17:58 authored by David C. Nieman, Nicholas D. Gillitt, Wei Sha, Debora Esposito, Sivapriya Ramamoorthy

Post-exercise fold changes also included for the two types of bananas for comparison (CAV = Cavendish, MiniY = mini-yellow) compared to water. Dark red (increase) and green (decrease) cells represent q<0.05 contrasts from pre-exercise levels. (FFA = free fatty acid; FA = fatty acid). See also S3 Table.
