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Experimental observations on the planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina incompta

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posted on 2020-05-13, 18:21 authored by Mattia GrecoMattia Greco
Supporting data for "The effect of an experimental decrease in salinity on the viability of the subarctic planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina incompta".

Polar Research 2020, 39, 3842,

Data with observations of the response of cultured specimens of N. incompta to 4 salinity treatments.

Sample_ID: Specimen identifier
Day: time reference of the observation
Activity (1,0): presence of rhizopodial network
Shell diameter (µm): size of the shell
Rhizopodia_max_length (µm): maximum rhizopodial extent
Ratio: indicator of "Rhizopodial activity"
Treatment: Salinity level (Ctrl= 35 PSU).

Note that since the photographed foraminifera were not oriented in a standardized manner in the culture flask, the maximum shell diameter measured showed variability.


IRTG 1904 ArcTrain
