pone.0211122.g001.tif (276.82 kB)

Effectiveness of lusutrombopag therapy to raise platelet counts and to avoid transfusion.

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posted on 2019-02-15, 18:23 authored by Hitomi Takada, Masayuki Kurosaki, Hiroyuki Nakanishi, Yuka Takahashi, Jun Itakura, Kaoru Tsuchiya, Yutaka Yasui, Nobuharu Tamaki, Kenta Takaura, Yasuyuki Komiyama, Mayu Higuchi, Youhei Kubota, Wann Wang, Mao Okada, Takao Shimizu, Keiya Watakabe, Nobuyuki Enomoto, Namiki Izumi

(A) Platelet counts at baseline and the maximum value after lusutrombopag treatment and prior to the invasive procedures in 25 patients. Platelet counts increased significantly after lusutrombopag (p<0.01). (B) The proportion of patients who needed platelet transfusion in 25 patients treated with lusutrombopag and in 128 patients with low platelet counts not treated with lusutrombopag. The proportion of patients who needed platelet transfusion was significantly lower in patients treated with lusutrombopag.
