Fig 4.TIF (776.49 kB)

Direct binding of PU.1 to Ets-motifs in the human pIII promoter.

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posted on 2016-04-22, 06:26 authored by Ryosuke Miura, Kazumi Kasakura, Nobuhiro Nakano, Mutsuko Hara, Keiko Maeda, Ko Okumura, Hideoki Ogawa, Takuya Yashiro, Chiharu Nishiyama

A. Nucleotide sequences of probes and competitive oligonucleotides used for EMSAs. B and C. EMSA profiles. Anti-PU.1 Ab (P) or control Ab (C) was used to identify the specific band composed of PU.1 and probe DNA (B). EMSA with an excess amount of competitors (a 1- or 10-fold molar concentration of probe 1 or 2) was performed to identify PU.1-binding sites (C). λB, which is previously published element bound with PU.1 [23], was mixed with a 15- or 30-fold concentration of competitors. Specific bands corresponding to complexes of PU.1 and the probe are marked with an asterisk. Super-shift band corresponding to complexes of PU.1, the probe, and anti-PU.1 Ab are marked with double asterisks. n.s., non-specific bands detected in protein mixture without probe DNA.
