Fig 14.tif (4.64 MB)

Diluting effect of the Mitfmi-bw allele on the black spotting phenotype.

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posted on 2016-03-01, 06:46 authored by Kazuhisa Takeda, Hiroki Hozumi, Koji Ohba, Hiroaki Yamamoto, Shigeki Shibahara

Shown are the black spotting mice at postnatal day (P) 9.0 (A) and the offspring at P 9.0 of male black spotting mouse × female bw mouse (B). There is apparent difference in the color of the black spots between black spotting mice and (black spotting × bw) mice. Each representative mouse is shown at bottom. At P 18.0, the difference became clear; the black spotting offspring (left) has larger black patches, compared to the black patches of the offspring of black spotting mouse × bw mouse (right). In addition, the mouse of black spotting × bw has small black patches (right).
