pone.0168046.g006.tif (4.67 MB)

Differentially expressed genes in overexpressing BnLATE Arabidopsis lines.

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posted on 2017-01-12, 18:56 authored by Zhangsheng Tao, Yi Huang, Lida Zhang, Xinfa Wang, Guihua Liu, Hanzhong Wang

(A) Functional categories of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in a D35S::BnLATE transgenic Arabidopsis line. (B) Mapped DEGs on KEGG biological pathways. (C) Down-regulated DEGs encoding enzymes in a D35S::BnLATE transgenic Arabidopsis line L8. Red dashed box indicates the preferred pathways. (D) Up-regulated DEGs encoding enzymes in a D35S::BnLATE transgenic Arabidopsis line L8. Red dashed box indicates the preferred pathways.
