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Dependence of pharmacokinetic parameters on covariates.

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posted on 2016-08-10, 17:30 authored by Cynthia Sung, Yuan Wei, Satoru Watanabe, How Sung Lee, Yok Moi Khoo, Lu Fan, Abhay P. S. Rathore, Kitti Wing-Ki Chan, Milly M. Choy, Uma S. Kamaraj, October M. Sessions, Pauline Aw, Paola F. de Sessions, Bernett Lee, John E. Connolly, Martin L. Hibberd, Dhanasekaran Vijaykrishna, Limin Wijaya, Eng Eong Ooi, Jenny Guek-Hong Low, Subhash G. Vasudevan

Body Weight (A and B); Age (C and D); Creatinine Clearance (E); and Sex (F). Clearance or volume of distribution were not significantly affected by patients’ body weight, age or sex. Drug clearance was significantly correlated with creatinine clearance, indicating a significant role of the kidneys for elimination of celgosvir. Solid line-linear regression, dashed line- 95% CI. The slope of the linear regression line of creatinine clearance versus drug clearance was 0.86 (95% CI: 0.376, 1.351).
