pone.0172466.g003.tif (806.78 kB)

Defense-related gene expression decreased when SlMAPK1, SlMAPK2, SlMAPK3-silenced ‘Y19’ tomato plants were infected with TYLCV.

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posted on 2017-02-21, 18:34 authored by Yunzhou Li, Lei Qin, Jingjing Zhao, Tayeb Muhammad, Hehe Cao, Hailiang Li, Yan Zhang, Yan Liang

(A-E) The relative expression of the SA-mediated defense marker genes SlPR1 (A), SlPR1b (B) and the JA-mediated defense marker genes SlLapA (C), SlPI-I (D) and SlPI-II (E) at 14 dpi with TYLCV. Values are means ± standard error (SE), replicated thrice. The treatments were compared with the control using Tukey’s test. Different letters indicate significant differences at P<0.05.
