2 files

Dataset for: The gut microbiome participates in transgenerational inheritance of low temperature responses in Drosophila melanogaster

posted on 2018-11-15, 08:52 authored by Aman Zare, Anna-mia Johansson, Edvin Karlsson, Nicolas Delhomme, Per Stenberg
Environmental perturbations induce transcriptional changes, some of which may be inherited even in the absence of the initial stimulus. Previous studies have focused on transfers through the germ-line although microbiota is also passed on to the offspring. Thus, we inspected the involvement of the gut microbiome in transgenerational inheritance of environmental exposures in Drosophila melanogaster. We grew flies in the cold versus control temperatures and compared their transcriptional patterns in both conditions as well as in their offspring. F2 flies grew in control temperature while we controlled their microbiota acquisition from either F1 sets. Transcriptional status of some genes was conserved transgenerationally, and a subset of these genes, mainly expressed in the gut, was transcriptionally dependent on the acquired microbiome.

