Contradiction Detection (2.18 MB)

Dataset for Conflicting Statements Detection in Text

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posted on 2018-02-09, 16:09 authored by Vijay Lingam, Simran Bhuria, Mayukh Nair, Divij Gurpreetsingh, Anjali Goyal, Ashish SurekaAshish Sureka

The files are from three different. One of the three datasets (SemEval) is downloaded from SemEval-2014 which was an international workshop on semantic evaluation conducted in Dublin (Ireland). Another dataset is same dataset (Stanford) as used by Marneffe et al. for their work on finding contradictions in text. Another dataset that we use is the PHEME RTE (Recognizing Textual Entailment). The attached dataset consists of annotated dataset into four different types of contradictions. It consists of intermediate results and feature values on our work on conflicting statements detection in text.


Ashoka University
