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Data for the validation studies presented in the paper "Motion Tracker: Camera-based Monitoring of Bodily Movements using Motion Silhouettes"

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posted on 2015-05-26, 19:44 authored by Jacqueline Kory WestlundJacqueline Kory Westlund, Sidney D'Mello, Andrew Olney

We provide the raw data used in the validation study presented in our paper entitled "Motion Tracker: Camera-based Monitoring of Bodily Movements using Motion Silhouettes" for use by any interested parties.


Validation Study 1 Data


The data in this folder includes three sub-folders:

1) "back": time series at 4Hz recorded from the BPMS placed on the back of the chair
2) "seat": time series at 4Hz recorded from the BPMS placed on the seat of the chair
3) "motion": time series at 30fps recorded from the Motion Tracker run on recorded videos using the parameters specified in our paper

Each sub-folder contains one text file per participant. Each text file is labeled with the participant number. Each participant has three associated text files, one in each sub-folder.

This is the raw data; no pre-processing or outlier analysis has been performed.

Please see the paper's "Validation Study 1" section for more information regarding the materials and recording procedure.



Validation Study 3 Data


The data in this folder includes:

1) "motion-kinect-5mindata.txt" - time series at 30Hz recorded from the Kinect. This is the raw data.
2) "kinect-outliers-removed.txt" - time series at 30Hz recorded from the Kinect, with outliers removed as described in the paper
3) "motion-outliers-removed.txt" - time series at 30fps recorded from the Motion Tracker run on the recorded video using the parameters specified in our paper, with outliers removed as described in the paper

Please see the paper's "Validation Study 3" section for more information regarding the materials and recording procedure.
