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DECM Machine Annotated Corpus

Version 3 2022-12-08, 15:51
Version 2 2020-05-25, 15:13
Version 1 2020-05-25, 14:46
posted on 2020-05-25, 15:13 authored by Patricia Murrieta-FloresPatricia Murrieta-Flores, Diego Jiménez-Badillo, Bruno Emanuel da Graça Martins, Mariana Favila-Vázquez, Raquel Liceras-Garrido
The DECM Corpus is a digital corpus of the texts of Relaciones Geográficas de Nueva España (the Geographic Reports of New Spain) with different versions, including a machine ready version, a gold standard annotated dataset, and an automatically annotated version ready for text mining and machine learning experiments.
This is the version of the entire RG corpus automatically annotated using the ML models trained with the DECM Gold Standard Corpus. The files are available in JSON and TSV format, and it also contains the file for the DECM Ontology. This corpus can be further used for quantitative and qualitative research, as well as advanced analyses using text mining techniques, corpus linguistics and other methods such as Geographical Text Analysis.


Digging into Early Colonial Mexico Project. T-AP Digging into Data Call. ESRC: ES/R003890/1
