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DECM Machine Annotated Corpus

Version 3 2022-12-08, 15:51
Version 2 2020-05-25, 15:13
Version 1 2020-05-25, 14:46
posted on 2020-05-25, 14:46 authored by Patricia Murrieta-FloresPatricia Murrieta-Flores, Diego Jiménez-Badillo, Bruno Emanuel da Graça Martins, Mariana Favila-Vázquez, Raquel Liceras-Garrido
The DECM Corpus is a digital corpus of the texts of Relaciones Geográficas de Nueva España (the Geographic Reports of New Spain) with different versions, including a machine ready version, a gold standard annotated dataset, and an automatically annotated version ready for text mining and machine learning experiments.


Digging into Early Colonial Mexico Project. T-AP Digging into Data Call. ESRC: ES/R003890/1
