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DCL1 and HYL1 are mis-localized in dbr1-2 mutants.

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posted on 2016-11-21, 18:00 authored by Ziwei Li, Shengpeng Wang, Jinping Cheng, Chuanbin Su, Songxiao Zhong, Qi Liu, Yuda Fang, Yao Yu, Hong Lv, Yun Zheng, Binglian Zheng

(A-B) Subnuclear localization of DCL1 (A) and HYL1 (B) in Col-0 and dbr1-2 root cells. Right panels show the percentage distribution of dicing bodies per cell. The X-axis represents the number of dicing bodies per cell, and the Y-axis represents the percentage of cells with the corresponding numbers. “n” represents the numbers of analyzed cells. (C) Morphological phenotypes of the hyl1-2 and the dbr1-2 hyl1-2 double mutant. Pictures were taken of 5-week-old plants. (D) Expression levels of indicated pri-miRNAs in Col-0, dbr1-2, hyl1-2, and dbr1-2 hyl1-2 plants by qRT-PCR. UBQ5 was used as an internal control and for normalization of the data. Standard deviations were calculated from three technical replicates. The results shown were reproduced with three biological replicates. Scale bars = 10 μm.
