Fig 4.tif (975.88 kB)

Chronogram (partim, Zalmoxoidea) obtained by Bayesian inference analysis, conducted in BEAST, using the complete concatenated dataset.

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posted on 2017-11-30, 18:35 authored by Abel Pérez-González, F. Sara Ceccarelli, Bruno G. O. Monte, Daniel N. Proud, Márcio Bernardino DaSilva, Maria E. Bichuette

(A) Chronogram with support values at nodes represent posterior probabilities and blue bars represent the 95% Highest Posterior Densities (HPD) around the estimated age of the most recent common ancestor. Colored branches and names of taxa represent the family Kimulidae. Below the chronogram, a geologic time scale of the Cenozoic Era (present-65 Ma) is shown. The vertical red-dotted line indicates the divergence time (40.1 Ma) between Relictopiolus galadriel gen. nov., sp. nov. and Tegipiolus pachypus Roewer, 1949, projected over the geologic time scale with a blue shaded box that indicates the 95% HPD.
