pone.0197204.g005.tif (472.61 kB)

Changes in C-reactive protein over time.

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posted on 2018-06-19, 20:03 authored by Susannah J. Sample, Molly A. Racette, Eric C. Hans, Nicola J. Volstad, Susan L. Schaefer, Jason A. Bleedorn, Jeffrey P. Little, Kenneth R. Waller III, Zhengling Hao, Walter F. Block, Peter Muir

(A) Serum CRP concentrations significantly decreased at the 10-week and 12-month rechecks compared to initial concentrations obtained at the time of diagnosis. (B) The PRP-collagen treated stifle synovial CRP was significantly decreased at the 10-week recheck and trended towards being significantly decreased at the 12-month recheck. (C) The TPLO treated stifle synovial CRP was significantly decreased at the 10-week and 12-month rechecks compared to initial levels obtained at the time of diagnosis. (D) The PRP-collagen treated stifle synovial:serum CRP ratio did not significantly change between time points, although (E) in the TPLO treated stifle, synovial:serum CRP significantly decreased between the time of diagnosis and the 12-month recheck. Abbreviations: CR, cruciate rupture; PRP, platelet rich plasma; CRP, C-reactive protein; TPLO, tibial plateau leveling osteotomy. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P< 0.001. n = 19 dogs.
