Fig 2.TIF (2.74 MB)

CSBPSs, skews, stems composition, and codon usage linked to the Cetacea tRNAs.

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posted on 2016-06-23, 07:18 authored by Stefano Montelli, Antonella Peruffo, Tomaso Patarnello, Bruno Cozzi, Enrico Negrisolo

CSBPS, change in sequence in a base pair of a stem; FCBC, fully compensatory base change; HCBC, hemi compensatory base change; Mismatch, mismatch in a base pair of a stem. The extension of the slices determining the number and type of FCBCs, HCBCs, and Mismatches for every tRNA was scaled, assuming that the whole coverage of a Pie graph was reached only in the tRNA exhibiting the maximum number of in CSBPSs. This approach allows, in our view, to better appreciate the variation of CSBPSs in the various tRNAs. CDSpT, codons per thousand codons associated to a tRNA. A+T%, percentage of A+T in the stems; G+C%, percentage of G+C in the stems. For A+T% and G+C%, the maximum and minimum values are provided. AT- and GC-skews, skews calculated for the stems of tRNAs. For AT- and GC-skews, the range of variation is provided for every tRNA.
