appendix-A.htm (257.74 kB)

Appendix A. A figure showing ΔAQ, the decrease in the ratio of shoot CO2 consumption to O2 evolution with a shift from NH4+ to NO3– nutrition, as a function of shoot internal CO2 concentration (Ci) for two C3 grass species, two C3 herbaceous dicotyledonous species, two C3 coniferous species, two C3 dicotyledonous tree species, two C3-C4 intermediate species, and three C4 species.

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posted on 2016-08-09, 11:39 authored by Arnold J. Bloom, Jose Salvador Rubio Asensio, Lesley Randall, Shimon Rachmilevitch, Asaph B. Cousins, Eli A. Carlisle
A figure showing ΔAQ, the decrease in the ratio of shoot CO2 consumption to O2 evolution with a shift from NH4+ to NO3– nutrition, as a function of shoot internal CO2 concentration (Ci) for two C3 grass species, two C3 herbaceous dicotyledonous species, two C3 coniferous species, two C3 dicotyledonous tree species, two C3-C4 intermediate species, and three C4 species.
