73 files

Antarctic Ice Shelf Thickness Change and Bottom Melt Rates from NASA/CECS Antarctic Ice Mapping and NASA Operation IceBridge

posted on 2019-07-08, 15:26 authored by Tyler SutterleyTyler Sutterley
HDF5 files with data from NASA/CECS Antarctic ice mapping and NASA Operation IceBridge campaigns.
Contains elevation and co-registered triangulated data processed in a Lagrangian reference frame along with geophysical corrections and derived values.

HDF5 data variables:
DH_Dt: Ice thickness change rate [m/yr]
DH_Dt_sigma: Ice thickness change rate uncertainty [m/yr]
bmr: Bottom melt rate calculated using mass conservation [m/yr]
bmr_sigma: Bottom melt rate uncertainty [m/yr]
h: Uncorrected surface elevation [m]
h_sigma: Surface elevation error [m]
dh_dx: Surface slope in easting direction [unitless]
dh_dy: Surface slope in northing direction [unitless]
longitude: Longitude of measurement [degrees east]
latitude: Latitude of measurement [degrees north]
delta_time: Acquisition time measured as seconds elapsed since January 1, 2000 12:00:00 UTC (J2000 seconds)
tide_ocean: Ocean tide elevation from CATS2008 harmonic constants at the measurement position at the acquisition time [m]
tide_load: Load tide elevation from CATS2008 harmonic constants at the measurement position at the acquisition time [m]
tide_pole: Solid earth pole tide displacements at the measurement position at the acquisition time [m]
tide_oc_pole: Ocean pole tide radial displacements at the measurement position at the acquisition time [m]
dac: Dynamic atmospheric correction which includes inverse barometer (IB) effects located at the measurement position at the acquisition time [m]
adt: Absolute dynamic topography (calculated by adding the mean dynamic topography to the sea level anomalies) [m]
mdt: Mean dynamic topography (sea surface height above geoid) [m]
sla: Sea level anomaly located at the measurement position at the acquisition time [m]
geoid_h: Geoid height computed from GGM05 gravity model [m]
ITRF: Offset to translate to 2014 reference frame [m]
IQR: Mask calculated using a interquartile range algorithm (Pritchard et al., 2009)
RDE: Mask calculated using a robust dispersion estimator algorithm (Smith et al., 2017)
track: ATM icessn track number (0=nadir)

This data provided here is not sponsored or maintained by the Universities Space Research Association (USRA) or NASA. It is provided here under a Creative Commons 4.0 license but with no guarantees whatsoever.


NASA Postdoctoral Program administered by Universities Space Research Association under contract with NASA
