Fig 4.TIF (665.86 kB)

Amino acid alignment of each classical class I allele in five SLA class I haplotypes.

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posted on 2016-10-19, 17:52 authored by Yoshie Kametani, Shino Ohshima, Asuka Miyamoto, Atsuko Shigenari, Masaki Takasu, Noriaki Imaeda, Tatsuya Matsubara, Masafumi Tanaka, Takashi Shiina, Hiroshi Kamiguchi, Ryuji Suzuki, Hitoshi Kitagawa, Jerzy K. Kulski, Noriaki Hirayama, Hidetoshi Inoko, Asako Ando

The amino acid sequence alignment of the alleles of each SLA locus is shown. For the haplotypes with a specific set of amino acids (Y102, L103, L109; the YLL set), in which each allele reacted with X2F6, the number of YLL sets determined the level of reactivity. The MFI for X2F6 reactivity was highest in the Hp-10.0 PBMCs that possessed three YLL sets in the SLA-1, SLA-2 and SLA-3 loci.
