12864_2017_4126_MOESM8_ESM.xlsx (139.03 kB)

Additional file 8: of Rapid transcriptional and metabolic regulation of the deacclimation process in cold acclimated Arabidopsis thaliana

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posted on 2017-09-16, 05:00 authored by Majken Pagter, Jessica Alpers, Alexander Erban, Joachim Kopka, Ellen Zuther, Dirk Hincha
Transcription factor genes transiently up- or down-regulated upon transfer of cold acclimated plants to deacclimating conditions for 24 h (compare Fig. 2). Transiently regulated TF genes were identified using manual inspection and pair-wise t-tests. Genes highlighted in bold have been shown not to cycle under warm conditions. P-values are shown both before and after FDR correction. (XLSX 139 kb)


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
