12863_2015_242_MOESM7_ESM.xlsx (54.96 kB)

Additional file 7: of Low genetic diversity despite multiple introductions of the invasive plant species Impatiens glandulifera in Europe

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posted on 2015-08-20, 05:00 authored by Jenny Hagenblad, Jennifer HĂźlskĂśtter, Kamal Acharya, JĂśrg Brunet, Olivier Chabrerie, Sara Cousins, Pervaiz Dar, Martin Diekmann, Pieter De Frenne, Martin Hermy, AurĂŠlien Jamoneau, Annette Kolb, Isgard Lemke, Jan Plue, Zafar Reshi, Bente Graae
Pairwise comparisons of all pairs of populations of Impatiens glandulifera. Pairwise genetic differentiation measured as RST, proportion of shared alleles and DCH, and proportion migrants between pairs of populations as estimated by BayesAss.
