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Additional file 7 of Integrative DNA methylation and gene expression analysis to assess the universality of the CpG island methylator phenotype

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journal contribution
posted on 2015-10-13, 05:00 authored by Matahi Moarii, Fabien Reyal, Jean-Philippe Vert
Association between CIMP and clinical annotations. Panel A. Association between CIMP and age: distribution of patients’ age given their CIMP phenotype in each tissue. Panel B. Association between CIMP and MSI in colon: ratio of MSI-positive and MSI-negative patient given the CIMP phenotype in the colon. Panel C. Association between CIMP and ER status in breast: ratio of ER-positive patients given the CIMP phenotype in the breast. Panel D. Association between CIMP and PR status in the breast: ratio of PR-positive patients given the CIMP phenotype in the breast. Panel E. Association between CIMP and HER2 status in the breast: ratio of HER2-positive patients given the CIMP phenotype in the breast. (PDF 86 kb)


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