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Additional file 6: Table S2. of Recent urbanization in China is correlated with a Westernized microbiome encoding increased virulence and antibiotic resistance genes

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posted on 2017-09-15, 05:00 authored by Kathryn Winglee, Annie Howard, Wei Sha, Raad Gharaibeh, Jiawu Liu, Donghui Jin, Anthony Fodor, Penny Gordon-Larsen
Model results for all microbial taxa identified through 16S rRNA sequencing, metabolites, and metadata. Each tab corresponds to a different set of analyses: (A) phylum, (B) class, (C), order, (D) family, (E) genus, (F) OTU, (G) metabolome, (H) metadata. For the microbiome (A-F), the columns indicate the taxa; full taxonomy (p for phylum, c for class, o for order, f for family, g for genus); mean and standard deviation for rural and urban in timepoint 1, timepoint 2 and both timepoints; linear model P-values (unadjusted and Benjamini and Hochberg-adjusted); linear model R2; and Wilcoxon rank sum test P-values for timepoint 1 and 2 (unadjusted and Benjamini and Hochberg-adjusted). (G-H) The columns indicate the metabolite or metadata name; the super and sub pathway for the metabolite (G only); the mean and standard deviation for rural and urban; the linear model P-values (unadjusted and Benjamini and Hochberg-adjusted); and the linear model R2. (G) The last two columns are the unadjusted and Benjamini and Hochberg-adjusted P-values from a Wilcoxon rank sum test. (H) The last three columns indicate the nonparametric test used (Wilcox: Wilcoxon rank sum test, used for continuous data; Fisher: Fisher’s exact test for categorical data), followed by the unadjusted and Benjamini and Hochberg-adjusted nonparametric test P-values for urban vs. rural status. For antibiotic or probiotic use, a 0 indicated no use and a 1 indicated use. For gender, a 1 indicated male and a 2 indicated female. All sections are sorted by P-value for urban vs. rural status. (XLSX 392 kb)


National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (US)
