12879_2016_1846_MOESM5_ESM.csv (1.36 MB)

Additional file 5: of Short-term effects of meteorological factors on pediatric hand, foot, and mouth disease in Guangdong, China: a multi-city time-series analysis

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posted on 2016-09-29, 05:00 authored by Cui Guo, Jun Yang, Yuming Guo, Qiao-Qun Ou, Shuang-Quan Shen, Chun-Quan Ou, Qi-Yong Liu
Daily aggregated data of HFMD cases and the demographic, socio-economic, and meteorological factors in each of eight cities in Guangdong, 2009–2013. The variables represent the date under study, city code, the number of daily HFMD cases, daily mean temperature, mean wind, mean air atmospheric pressure, mean humidity, rain, sunshine hour, and city-level information including longitude, latitude, GDP per capital, population, population density, the ratio of male to female population, day of the week, holiday, the ratio of children under 5 years old, living space per capita, the ratio of population flow. (CSV 1389 kb)


National Natural Science Foundation of China
