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Additional file 5: of New insights into the evolution and functional divergence of the SWEET family in Saccharum based on comparative genomics

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-11-07, 05:00 authored by Weichang Hu, Xiuting Hua, Qing Zhang, Jianping Wang, Qiaochu Shen, Xingtan Zhang, Kai Wang, Qingyi Yu, Yann-Rong Lin, Ray Ming, Jisen Zhang
A RT-qPCR verification of SWEET2b and SWEET4b in partial tissues of two Saccharum species. Note: IN, internode; LR, leaf roll. Internodes 3, 9, 15 and internodes 3, 6, 9 were from S. officinarum LA-Purple and S. spontaneum SES-208, respectively. B Correlation coefficient between RNA-seq (X axis) and RT-qPCR (Y axis) of two SsSWEET genes (SsSWEET2b and SsSWEET4b). (PDF 47 kb)


National Natural Science Foundation of China
