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Additional file 4: of Geometric morphometrics reveals shifts in flower shape symmetry and size following gene knockdown of CYCLOIDEA and ANTHOCYANIDIN SYNTHASE

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posted on 2017-11-17, 05:00 authored by Brent Berger, Vincent Ricigliano, Yoland Savriama, Aedric Lim, Veronica Thompson, Dianella Howarth
Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) analysis of FgANS and FgCYC2A in untreated samples and knockdown treatments. (a) qPCR of FgANS showing biological replicates from untreated samples (N = 4) compared to those from FgANS (N = 6) and FgCYC2A + FgANS (N = 3) knockdown flower buds. (b) qPCR of FgCYC2A showing biological replicates from untreated samples (N = 3) compared to those from FgCYC2A (N = 3) and FgCYC2A + FgANS (N = 3) knockdown flower buds. (EPS 1055 kb)


National Science Foundation
