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Additional file 3: Figure S1. of Aberrant activation of hedgehog signaling promotes cell proliferation via the transcriptional activation of forkhead Box M1 in colorectal cancer cells

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posted on 2017-02-02, 05:00 authored by DeJie Wang, Guohui Hu, Ying Du, Cheng Zhang, Quqin Lu, Nonghua Lv, Shiwen Luo
FoxM1 promotes the proliferation of CRC cells. (A and B) The validation of the FoxM1 overexpression plasmid in Caco2 cells (A) and interference plasmid in HCT116 cells (B), performance as indicated. (C and D) Overexpression of FoxM1 increased the colony formation and growth rate of Caco2 cells. (C) Caco2 cells transfected with the indicated plasmids were subjected to clonogenic assays. (D) Quantitative analysis of (C). (E and F) Knocking down FoxM1 reduced the colony formation and growth rate of HCT116 cells. (E) HCT116 cells transfected with the indicated plasmids were subjected to clonogenic assays. (F) Quantitative analysis of (E). (G and H) Overexpression of FoxM1 increased the proliferation rate of CaCo2 cells. (G) BrdU assay of the proliferation rate of CaCo2 cells transfected with the indicated plasmids for 48 h. (H) Quantitative analysis of (G). (I and J) Down-regulation of FoxM1 decreased the proliferation rate of HCT116 cells. (I) BrdU assay of the proliferation rate of HCT116 cells transfected with the indicated plasmids for 48 h. (J) Quantitative analysis of (I). All quantitative analyses were performed using the ImageJ software, and the error bars represent the mean and S.D. of three independent experiments. miR-FoxM1: miRNAi-FoxM1; miR-control: miRNAi-control. **, p < 0.01. (TIF 73489 kb)


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