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Additional file 2: of Observational study on the prognostic value of testosterone and adiposity in postmenopausal estrogen receptor positive breast cancer patients

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-06-13, 05:00 authored by Elisabetta Venturelli, Annalisa Orenti, Aline Fabricio, Giulia Garrone, Roberto Agresti, Biagio Paolini, Chiara Bonini, Massimo Gion, Franco Berrino, Christine Desmedt, Danila Coradini, Elia Biganzoli
Figure S2. Boxplots of circulating level of testosterone (ng/mL) according to tumour histology (IDC = Invasive Ductal Carcinoma; ILC = Invasive Lobular Carcinoma), Grade (G), number of metastatic axillary lymph Nodes (N), progesterone receptor (PR) and HER-2 status of ER-positive postmenopausal breast cancer patients. Number and percentage of patients in each group are reported and p-values are given. The bar inside the box is the median value and the box upper and lower dimensions define the inter-quartile range. Shows the boxplots of circulating level of testosterone (ng/mL) according to the other tumour characteristics considered in the study (histology, tumour grade, axillary nodal status, PR and HER-2 status). On the whole, the results did not indicate an association between circulating level of testosterone and unfavorable tumour characteristics as high tumour grade, axillary involvement or HER2 overexpression. (PDF 22 kb)


Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro
