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Additional file 2: of Glucocorticosteroids and ciclosporin do not significantly impact canine cutaneous microbiota

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-02-23, 05:00 authored by Giovanni Widmer, LluĂ­s Ferrer, Claude Favrot, Judy Paps, Kevin Huynh, Thierry Olivry
Example of lower-level classification of skin microbiota over time for dog 1 and dog 3. Bars are arranged from left to right in chronological order grouped by anatomical site. Stacks are arranged from bottom to top in order of diminishing cumulative taxon abundance across all samples. The 20 most abundant taxa are shown. Bars height is < 1 because less abundant taxa are not shown. Sequences classified at the genus level with 70% probability value were assigned to the next higher taxonomic level i.e., family, order, class or phylum. The dates when the samples were collected are abbreviated as DDMMYY. On 5/21/14 (T1), dog 1 samples were collected in duplicate and dog 3 samples in triplicate. Replicate samples were barcoded individually to visualize experimental variation (see Additional file 1). The dogs showed a different composition of the microbiome, which remained relatively constant over time. As seen in the other analyses, no effect of treatment on microbiota composition was apparent. (DOCX 265 kb)


