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Additional file 2: of Differential timing of granule cell production during cerebellum development underlies generation of the foliation pattern

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journal contribution
posted on 2016-09-08, 05:00 authored by Emilie Legué, Jackie Gottshall, Edouard Jaumouillé, Alberto Roselló-Díez, Wei Shi, Luis Barraza, Senna Washington, Rachel Grant, Alexandra Joyner
Figure S1: Rate of accumulation of gcs over time in each lobule. Figure S2: Foliation is greatly delayed and the pattern is highly variable in En1 +/- ;En2 -/- mutants. Figure S3: Model of how changes in fissure formation and production of gcs in the anterior cerebellum can alter the morphology of lobules. (PDF 648 kb)


National Institutes of Health
