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Additional file 2: Table S2. of Identification and annotation of conserved promoters and macrophage-expressed genes in the pig genome

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posted on 2015-11-18, 05:00 authored by Christelle Robert, Ronan Kapetanovic, Dario Beraldi, Mick Watson, Alan Archibald, David Hume
Table S2A – Locations of FANTOM5 human promoters mapped to the pig genome. Table contains the following columns (left to right): FANTOM5 human promoter ID, Ensembl gene ID associated with the FANTOM5 human promoter, mapping locations to the pig genome (Sscrofa10.2), the nearest pig Ensembl ID to the mapped promoter (strand-specific) and the number of pig CAGE CTSS and/or RNA-Seq signal (assembled transcripts from pooled macrophage libraries) located within a 20 Kb window from the 3’-end of the mapped promoter. Table S2B – Locations of FANTOM5 human promoters mapped to the mouse genome. Table contains the following columns (left to right): FANTOM5 human promoter ID, Ensembl gene ID associated with the FANTOM5 human promoter, mapping locations to the mouse genome (mm9), the nearest mouse Ensembl ID to the mapped promoter (strand-specific). (ZIP 5853 kb)


Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
