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Additional file 2: Table S2. of Developing a 670k genotyping array to tag ~2M SNPs across 24 horse breeds

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posted on 2017-07-27, 05:00 authored by Robert Schaefer, Mikkel Schubert, Ernest Bailey, Danika Bannasch, Eric Barrey, Gila Bar-Gal, Gottfried Brem, Samantha Brooks, Ottmar Distl, Ruedi Fries, Carrie Finno, Vinzenz Gerber, Bianca Haase, Vidhya Jagannathan, Ted Kalbfleisch, Tosso Leeb, Gabriella Lindgren, Maria Lopes, Núria Mach, Artur da Câmara Machado, James MacLeod, Annette McCoy, Julia Metzger, Cecilia Penedo, Sagi Polani, Stefan Rieder, Imke Tammen, Jens Tetens, Georg Thaller, Andrea Verini-Supplizi, Claire Wade, Barbara Wallner, Ludovic Orlando, James Mickelson, Molly McCue
SNP50 breed informativeness. Impact of breed on SNP50 informativeness. Table shows informativeness (MAF ≥ 0.05) of the legacy, SNP50 SNP set for light, draft, and pony breeds described by McCue et al. [1, 2]. Mean number of informative SNPs per breed was ~42,000 (~77%). 19,427 SNPs were informative in all 14 breeds. (XLSX 8 kb)


