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Additional file 1: of Whole mitochondrial genomes unveil the impact of domestication on goat matrilineal variability

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posted on 2015-12-29, 05:00 authored by Licia Colli, Hovirag Lancioni, Irene Cardinali, Anna Olivieri, Marco Capodiferro, Marco Pellecchia, Marcin Rzepus, Wahid Zamani, Saeid Naderi, Francesca Gandini, Seyed Vahidi, Saif Agha, Ettore Randi, Vincenza Battaglia, Maria Sardina, Baldassare Portolano, Hamid Rezaei, Petros Lymberakis, Frédéric Boyer, Eric Coissac, François Pompanon, Pierre Taberlet, Paolo Ajmone Marsan, Alessandro Achilli
Table S1. Sources for the 758 goat control-region sequences. Table S2. Control-region haplotypes and haplogroup classification of the 758 mtDNA sequences from Capra aegagrus (n = 19) and Capra hircus (n = 739). Table S3. Partial coding-region haplotypes and haplogroup classification of two bezoar mtDNAs. Table S4. Source and haplogroup affiliation of the goat complete mtDNA sequences. Figure S1. Nucleotide diversity and total number of substitutions along the entire mtDNA. Figure S2. A putative most parsimonious tree of 84 complete mtDNA sequences from goats. (XLSX 1268 kb)


MIUR: Progetti FIRB-Futuro in Ricerca 2008
