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Additional file 1: of Prenatal exposure to phthalates and autism spectrum disorder in the MARBLES study

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-12-05, 05:00 authored by Hyeong-Moo Shin, Rebecca Schmidt, Daniel Tancredi, Jacqueline Barkoski, Sally Ozonoff, Deborah Bennett, Irva Hertz-Picciotto
Table S1. Summary of all possible combinations of individual and pooled samples analyzed per mother. Table S2. Distribution of specific gravity for each type of urine samples. Table S3. Pearson’s correlations for ln-transformed phthalate metabolite concentrations. Table S4. Characteristics of study population included in this study and MARBLES. Table S5. Comparison between FMVs and 24-hour samples used as individual samples. Table S6. Comparison of phthalate metabolite concentrations in the current study and those in NHANES. Table S7. Sensitivity analyses I: RRR for ASD and Non-TD (versus TD) in relation to phthalate biomarker concentrations during mid- to late pregnancy. Table S8. Sensitivity analyses II: RRR for ASD and Non-TD (versus TD) in relation to phthalate biomarker concentrations during mid- to late pregnancy. Table S9. Stratified analyses by prenatal vitamin use during the first month of pregnancy using samples during mid-pregnancy. Table S10. Stratified analyses by prenatal vitamin use during the first month of pregnancy using samples during late pregnancy a. Table S11. Stratified analyses by sex using samples during mid-pregnancys. Table S12. Stratified analyses by sex using samples during late pregnancy. Table S13. Spearman’s correlations average phthalate metabolite concentrations between the 2nd trimester samples (n =123) and the 3rd trimester samples (n =123). Figure S1. Selection of mother-child pairs used in this study. Figure S2. Type and number of urine samples analyzed in this study. Figure S3. Directed acyclic graph used to identify and select adjustment factors. Figure S4. Temporal trends of median phthalate biomarker concentrations (in μg/L) in the selected MARBLES participants. Figure S5. ICC and 95% CI of ln-transformed phthalate metabolite concentrations using samples collected during each of the 2nd and 3rd trimesters: (1) two first FMVs (n = 204 from 102 mothers) and (2) two pooled samples (n = 118 from 59 mothers). (DOCX 516 kb)


National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
