12918_2018_613_MOESM1_ESM.ods (57.35 kB)

Additional file 1 of Large scale study of anti-sense regulation by differential network analysis

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posted on 2018-11-20, 05:00 authored by Marc Legeay, Sébastien Aubourg, Jean-Pierre Renou, Béatrice Duval
List of the GO categories revealed by anti-sense data. List of the 104 revealed-by-AS terms. Column A: Identifier of the GO category. Column B: significant p-value. Column C: significant corrected p-value below 0.05, the correction used is the Benjamini & Hochberg False Discovery Rate (FDR) correction (Revealed-by-AS terms are ordered according to this criteria). Column D: Number of apple genes from the sample tagged with the GO category. Column E: Number of apple genes from the genome tagged with the GO category. Column F: Number of apple genes in the sample. Column G: Number of apple genes in the genome. Column H: Name of the GO category. Column I: Apple genes from the sample tagged with the GO category. Column J: Arabidopsis orthologs of the apple genes from the sample tagged with the GO category; here an Arabidopsis ortholog with an anti-sense apple gene is identified by the “_AS” prefix. (ODS 57 kb)
