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Additional file 1: Table S1. of Burden of bloodstream infection in an area of Mid-Norway 2002-2013: a prospective population-based observational study

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journal contribution
posted on 2017-03-11, 05:00 authored by Arne Mehl, Bjørn Åsvold, Stian Lydersen, Julie Paulsen, Erik Solligård, Jan Damås, Stig Harthug, Tom-Harald Edna
Incidence of bloodstream infection in 5-year age groups stratified by sex. Table S2. Incidence and mortality of hospital acquired bloodstream infection. Table S3. Incidence of bloodstream infection and blood culture sampling by calendar year. Table S4. Incidence and mortality of hospital acquired bloodstream infection in 2002–2007 compared to 2008–2013. Table S5. Less common bloodstream infection microbes in two time periods in an area of Mid-Norway. Table S6. Mortality of bloodstream infection in 5-year age groups stratified by sex. Table S7. Mortality of bloodstream infection with less common microbes. Table S8. Case fatality rate of bloodstream infection in two time periods. Table S9. Rate of blood culture sampling in 2002–2007 compared to 2008–2013. (DOCX 60 kb)
