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Additional file 1: Figure: S1. of The IGCA staging system is more accurate than AJCC7 system in stratifying survival of patients with gastric cancer in stage III

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posted on 2017-03-31, 05:00 authored by Ping Shu, Jing Qin, Kuntang Shen, Weidong Chen, Fenglin Liu, Yong Fang, Xuefei Wang, Hongshan Wang, Zhenbin Shen, Yihong Sun, Xinyu Qin
The survival distributions of 332 patients who received adjuvant chemotherapy in our own center. a The survival distributions of different stages Grouped by AJCC7 staging system. It was unable to distinguish the OS difference between III B and III C diseases (P = 0.958); b The survival distributions of different stages Grouped by IGCA staging system. The survival of III B and III C diseases were perfectly stratified (P = 0.003). (TIFF 5298 kb)


Shanghai Municipal Planning Commission of Health and Family Planning
