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Additional file 1: Figure S1. of EBI2 receptor regulates myelin development and inhibits LPC-induced demyelination

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journal contribution
posted on 2017-12-16, 05:00 authored by Aleksandra Rutkowska, Andreas Sailer, Kumlesh Dev
Olig1, CNPase, and MOG are not differentially expressed in WT and EBI2 KO mice. (a) Representative WBs show quantitative differences in oligodendrocyte marker expression in whole brain lysates prepared from embryonic (E14 and E18) and postnatal (P1, P7, P14,and P30) mouse brains. Densitometric quantification of blots shown in (a) indicating that Olig1 (b) CNPase (c) and MOG (d) expression is not different in WT and EBI2 KO animals. Data presented as single measurement, three animals per time point. (PDF 468 kb)
