13071_2017_2590_MOESM10_ESM.pdf (332.71 kB)

Additional file 10: Figure S2. of Habitat properties are key drivers of Borrelia burgdorferi (s.l.) prevalence in Ixodes ricinus populations of deciduous forest fragments

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-01-08, 05:00 authored by Steffen Ehrmann, Sanne Ruyts, Michael Scherer-Lorenzen, Jürgen Bauhus, Jörg Brunet, Sara Cousins, Marc Deconchat, Guillaume Decocq, Pieter De Frenne, Pallieter De Smedt, Martin Diekmann, Emilie Gallet-Moron, Stefanie Gärtner, Karin Hansen, Annette Kolb, Jonathan Lenoir, Jessica Lindgren, Tobias Naaf, Taavi Paal, Marcus Panning, Maren Prinz, Alicia Valdés, Kris Verheyen, Monika Wulf, Jaan Liira
Response profiles of infection prevalence for each significant driver. Shown are the prediction line, confidence band (alpha = 0.05) and the partial residuals. The driver groups are macroclimate, landscape, macrohabitat, microhabitat and ontogeny. η2 values represent the relative contribution each variable has in explaining variation in the response. Nymphal infection prevalence. (FA) = variable is a correlation factor, ‘abund.’ = abundance, ‘disp.’ = dispersules, ‘cont.’ = content, CWM = community weighted mean, ‘reg. Leaf-dist.’ = leaf distribution regular on stem. (PDF 332 kb)


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