Abstract1_Recommendations_JANE_sorted_by_ranking.csv (3.07 kB)


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Version 3 2014-01-24, 00:44
Version 2 2014-01-24, 00:44
Version 1 2014-01-24, 00:43
posted on 2014-01-24, 00:43 authored by Gutknecht ChristianGutknecht Christian

Journal Recommendations of JANE for the following (scrambled) Abstract:

"0 0 1 10 10 2 20 20 22 4 4049 4049 4049 49 6 6 76 = = Bulk Bulk DISO DISO DISO DISO DISO Depth Dnew Dnew Dnew Dnew EvoCeram Fill Fill Filtek Filtek Filtek For For ISO ISO On Plus Quixfil SDR Silorane Silorane Supreme Surefil Tetric The To VHN VHN Venus Vickers Vickers Vickers Vickers a a according accurately all and and and and and and and and at at at basis been beginning between between bulk bulk bulk bulk by by by closest compared compared composite composite composite composites composites control cure cure cure cure cure“ defined depth depth depth depth determined determined determined determined device distances e e each either either evaluate except fill fill fill fill filled for for for for four generated group group group had hardness hardness hardness hardness highest i i if indentation is light-cured light-cured light-curing made materials materials materials materials materials measurements measurements method method microhardness microhardness mm mm mold mold n n of of of of of of of of one or or overestimated per per placed prepared proceeding profiles profiles profiles reflected resin resin resin resin resin s s s s showing six smaller specimens than that the the the the the the the the the the the the to to to to toward toward two uncured under unit varied varied was was was was were were were when with with with “ISO “bottom“ “top“
