3 files

A ChIP-seq test dataset

posted on 2012-11-26, 03:29 authored by Russell NechesRussell Neches, Marc FacciottiMarc Facciotti, Elizabeth G. Wilbanks, Phillip M. Seitzer

This is a testing dataset for ChIP-seq (chromatin Immunoprecipitation sequencing) peak callers. It was made from a his-tagged tfbD pulldown in Halobacterium salinarum, sequenced on the Illumina GAII. The reads were mapped using bowtie to a cut-down chromosome and one plasmid, and unmapped reads were discarded. 


This is a fairly challenging dataset. It contains several genomic features that can potentially break peak-calling algorithms, including transposons, copy number variations, and indels with resepect to the reference genome used.
