Michael_Tierney_INAM_SURE_2.pdf (3.66 MB)

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Poster presented by Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) student Michael Tierney (TCD) at the Irish National Astronomy Meeting in TCD (

What is Solar Monitor? On a daily basis, the sun releases large amounts of magnetic energy (1025 Joules) in the form of X-rays, EUV (Extreme ultraviolet), radio waves and high energy particles. Such activity can be detrimental to space and ground based technological infrastructure. It is for this reason that there is a need to monitor solar activity for any potential threats to earth. The main purpose of Solar Monitor is to provide near real-time information on solar activity and in order to characterise this potential threat. It is accessible to a wide variety of users, ranging from solar physicists to amateur astronomers. It has an easy-to-use layout with many features including active region information, flare forecasting and full solar disk images. The purpose of this project was to improve the flare prediction page in order to allow for a quicker and more intuitive interpretation of flaring probabilities.
