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Toxicity levels and disease origin distributed across the USA300 collection.

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posted on 2015-09-02, 03:59 authored by Maisem Laabei, Anne-Catrin Uhlemann, Franklin D. Lowy, Eloise D. Austin, Maho Yokoyama, Khadija Ouadi, Edward Feil, Harry A. Thorpe, Barnabas Williams, Mark Perkins, Sharon J. Peacock, Stephen R. Clarke, Janina Dordel, Matthew Holden, Antonina A. Votintseva, Rory Bowden, Derrick W. Crook, Bernadette C. Young, Daniel J. Wilson, Mario Recker, Ruth C. Massey

The clinical origin (carriage = C, SSTI = S, or blood = B) and the toxicity (low = green, medium = orange or high = red) of 134 USA300 isolates are mapped onto a maximum likelihood tree based on their whole genome sequence.
