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The effects of GATA3 knockdown on the gene expression of Th2-1st, Th2-4th and memory Th2 cells.

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posted on 2013-06-18, 01:12 authored by Tetsuya Sasaki, Atsushi Onodera, Hiroyuki Hosokawa, Yukiko Watanabe, Shu Horiuchi, Junji Yamashita, Hitoshi Tanaka, Yasumasa Ogawa, Yutaka Suzuki, Toshinori Nakayama

The effects of GATA3 knockdown on effector Th2-1st (A), Th2-4th (B) and memory Th2 cells (C) were determined with qRT-PCR. The relative expression (GATA3/Control siRNA) levels are shown. The expression data were rank-ordered from genes with the highest to the lowest relative expression ratios (GATA3/Control siRNA) in Th2-1st cells. The filled squares indicate genes that showed decreases in GATA3 dependency in Th2-memory cells compared with that observed in Th2-1st cells. The open squares indicate genes that showed increases in GATA3 dependency in Th2-memory cells compared with that observed in Th2-1st cells. The lower dashed line indicates 10-1/2 and the upper dashed line indicates 101/2.
