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The effect of PD98059 on ERK phosphorylation in Vi/Vc and Vc neurons after tooth pulp or periapical inflammation.

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posted on 2014-10-03, 02:49 authored by Kohei Shimizu, Kunihito Matsumoto, Noboru Noma, Shingo Matsuura, Kinuyo Ohara, Hiroki Komiya, Tetsuro Watase, Bunnai Ogiso, Yoshiyuki Tsuboi, Masamichi Shinoda, Keisuke Hatori, Yuka Nakaya, Koichi Iwata

The capsaicin was applied into the Mass after PD98059 i.t. administration in the rats with M1 CFA on day 3 or week 6. A and B: Neurolucida drawings (A) and Rostral-caudal distribution (B) of pERK-IR and Fos-IR cells in the Vi/Vc and Vc. C: * indicates significant decrease in the number of pERK-IR or Fos-IR cells. Each region in each model was compared with M1 CFA/Mass cap rats with saline i.t. on day 3 or week 6, respectively.
