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The Hirudin anticoagulated WBA exhibits high reliability upon repeated testing of the same donor.

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posted on 2013-08-05, 02:29 authored by Christoph Coch, Christian Lück, Anna Schwickart, Bastian Putschli, Marcel Renn, Tobias Höller, Winfried Barchet, Gunther Hartmann, Martin Schlee

Whole blood of three different donors (a–c) anticoagulated with Hirudin was stimulated twice with one week inbetween with 0.8 µg/ml CpG 2006 delivered with polyethylenimine (PEI) or DOTAP. C20-DNA served as negative control. After 48 h supernatant was analyzed for IFN-α by ELISA. Mean of duplicates +/− SD is shown for each timepoint.
