Fig_4.tif (4.02 MB)

Representative example of fused axial coronary CTA and dual-gated [18F]FDG PET images showing cross-section of the proximal right coronary artery (arrow) in an animal with atheroma.

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posted on 2015-06-29, 03:36 authored by Miikka Tarkia, Antti Saraste, Christoffer Stark, Tommi Vähäsilta, Timo Savunen, Marjatta Strandberg, Virva Saunavaara, Tuula Tolvanen, Jarmo Teuho, Mika Teräs, Olli Metsälä, Petteri Rinne, Ilkka Heinonen, Nina Savisto, Mikko Pietilä, Pekka Saukko, Anne Roivainen, Juhani Knuuti

[18F]FDG accumulation in the coronary arteries was measured using CTA as an anatomical reference.
