Fig_3.tif (490.93 kB)

Relationship between seasonal variation of sand fly abundance and the climate parameters of total precipitation, relative humidity and mean temperature in PES from September 2011 to July 2013.

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posted on 2015-08-12, 04:21 authored by Lara Saraiva, Alanna Silva Reis, Jeronimo Marteleto Nunes Rugani, Agnes Antônia Sampaio Pereira, Felipe Dutra Rêgo, Ana Cristina Vianna Mariano da Rocha Lima, Célia Maria Ferreira Gontijo, José Dilermando Andrade Filho

The left Y-axis references the number of sandflies collected (total number) and the precipitation rate (mm3)—these data are represented by bars. The right Y-axis references the average temperature (°C) and relative air humidity (%)—these data are represented by lines with markers.
